Support for Faculty Research

An endowed chair or professorship will help support the Saluki Research Lab through supplementing salary (PI, students, etc.), providing travel to conferences, and purchase of instrumentation and consumables. I encourage you to look at other Faculty members within the School of Chemical and Biomolecular Sciences should you be interested in supporting others within the School. Funds are primarily used to promote positive student outcomes through research and mentorship.

What is Needed

An endowed chair is classified for donations of >$1 million, an endowed preofessorship is classified from donations >$250k. Please see the SIU Foundation. Smaller donations towards this goal or our research are definitely welcome (See Research Infrastucture).

Donation Mechanism

Donations to the Saluki Materials Laboratory would be handled through the Southern Illinois University Foundation. The foundation is a 501(c)(3) designated organization with IRS permission to issue tax-deductible receipts.
Please contact Kyle Plunkett at to start a conversation about possible gifts to the Saluki Materials Laboratory or the School of Chemical and Biomolecular Sciences.